Agility Classes

Agility Classes are held five nights a week and Saturdays all year. We have a 48 x 75 foot fully matted building available for indoor training and a full size, fenced outdoor agility ring. Our students tell us their dogs just can't wait to come to class each week. Great exercise for you, too! 

Two Legged Spectators Are Always Welcome

Level 1: Four weeks. This class teaches your dog the safe and proper negotiation of the agility equipment, including jumps, tunnels, contact obstacles and weave poles. 

Level 2: Six weeks. Builds on Level 1 introducing your dog to the remainder of agility obstacles. Handlers will begin to learn sequencing and handling techniques.

Level 3: Six weeks. Concentrates on handling techniques allowing you to successfully negotiate a complete agility course.

Level 4 and Up: Six weeks. Gets you and your dog ready for agility competition. Polish handling skills and shave seconds off your course times.

Call (585) 638-5042 or email to enroll or for more information.

Upcoming Classes

Level 1 Agility
starts Wednesday, March 12th
6 weeks, $120

Canine Good Citizen
Starts Tuesday, March 11th
Call for details

Level 1 Obedience
 starts Thursday, April 17th
6 weeks, $140 includes collar, leash, homework booklet.

Beginning Rally Obedience
 Call for Details

Trick Dog 
Class on Sundays
Cost $20 per dog per date

Farm Dog Practice - Starting Soon
Call for details

Competition Obedience
Mondays & Saturdays

 Therapy Dog Class
Call for details

Beginning Nose Work
Call for details

Call for Details 585-638-5042
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